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Neuromuscular Diseases


The University of Chicago Neuromuscular Program provides an outstanding opportunity for patients to benefit from cutting-edge treatments and for trainees to learn basic research and clinical details related to neuromuscular diseases. The Program has a menu of offerings including: specialized clinics, sophisticated neurophysiology laboratory testing, ground-breaking research, and clinical trials in neuromuscular diseases. Having trained more than 50 clinical and research fellows as well as many residents, the neuromuscular disease team is committed to mentoring the next generation of neuromuscular experts.  

Neuromuscular Clinics:
The University of Chicago Medical Center offers multidisciplinary care for a number of neuromuscular diseases, including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), spinal muscular atrophy, muscular dystrophies and other myopathies, inherited and acquired neuropathies (e.g. chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy- CIDP), myasthenia gravis and related disorders. The treatment team includes several neurologists with expertise in adult neuromuscular diseases (Raymond Roos, MD, Betty Soliven, MD, and Kourosh Rezania, MD), and a dedicated nurse (Alexandra Carmona). Appointments can be made by calling 773-702-6222.

A. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Clinic:  The clinic is designated an ALS Association (ALSA) Certified Treatment Center of Excellence (Director: Raymond Roos, MD; co-Director: Betty Soliven, MD). The Clinic achieved this designation by satisfying the rigorous requirements of the ALS Association Treatment Centers of Excellence Program®. The latter Program designs, implements, and monitors a national standard of best-practice care in the management of ALS. Certification is based on established requirements of the program, professionals’ skill sets, people living with ALS served, active involvement in ALS-related research, relationships with local Chapters, and access to care.  The ALS Clinic is dedicated to providing cutting-edge clinical care and the opportunity to participate in multi-center clinical trials, with Kourosh Rezania, MD serving as Principal Investigator. Of note, we have one of the world’s longest continuously running multidisciplinary ALS clinics, with an affiliation with the Greater Chicago Chapter of the ALS Association. Patients are seen by a team consisting of a Care Services Coordinator representing the Greater Chicago Chapter of the ALS Association, an orthotist, nutritionist, speech pathologist, social worker, physical therapist, occupational therapist, a psychiatrist, and palliative specialist. In addition, a University of Chicago Medical Center dedicated pulmonologist and gastroenterologist provide consultation and manage the respiratory care and GI /nutritional needs of our patients.


B. Myasthenia Clinic: (Director: Betty Soliven, MD; co-Director: Kourosh Rezania, MD). Myasthenia gravis is a condition caused by antibodies against acetylcholine receptors or MuSK, resulting in fluctuating weakness. Our physicians and staff have extensive experience working with myasthenic patients. Dr. Soliven and Dr. Rezania also perform single fiber EMG, the most sensitive test for diagnosing myasthenia. Our team includes a dedicated pulmonologist and a thoracic surgeon.  Currently, we have initiated studies on mechanisms that trigger the worsening of myasthenia. Our clinic will be part of MGNet, a consortium dedicated to enhancing clinical trial readiness and the identification of predictive biomarkers in myasthenia.

C. Neuropathy Clinics: (Co-Directors: Raymond Roos, MD, and Betty Soliven, MD).  We see patients with inflammatory neuropathies (e.g. CIDP, Guillain Barré syndrome, vasculitic neuropathy), diabetic neuropathies, hereditary neuropathies (Charcot Marie Tooth disease), and other forms of neuropathy. We are committed to educating the public and healthcare providers about this disease, providing state-of-the-art care to neuropathy patients, and contributing to basic and clinical research in an effort to identify the causes and potential cures for these disorders.  The Neuropathy Clinic is part of The University of Chicago Center for Peripheral Neuropathy (Director: Brian Popko, PhD)

The University of Chicago has been designated a GBS/CIDP Foundation International Center of Excellence (Director: Betty Soliven, MD).  In addition, there is an Amyloid Neuropathy Center specializing in patients with acquired and hereditary amyloid neuropathy (Director: Kourosh Rezania, MD).

D. Muscle Disease Clinic: (Director: Kourosh Rezania, MD). We see patients with inflammatory myopathy such as polymyositis, inclusion body myositis, metabolic myopathy, myotonic disorders and muscular dystrophies.  

Neurophysiology Laboratory Testing:

The University of Chicago EMG Laboratory (Director: Betty Soliven, MD) provides an active electrodiagnostic service for approximately 1,400 patients per year. Other EMG attendings include Helene Rubeiz, MD, Kourosh Rezania, MD.  Additional personnel involved in the Neurophysiology Laboratory include: an EMG fellow, a combined EEG/EMG fellow, a resident rotating in the laboratory, and EMG technician/s. For appointments call (773) 702-1780.

Our neuromuscular pathology service is overseen by Peter Pytel, MD, who evaluates muscle and nerve biopsies from our patients and those sent from a large number of hospitals in Illinois and Midwest areas.

For more information visit:  UChicago Medicine Neuromuscular Disease Clinic

  1.  ALSA Chicago Chapter website:
  2. Conquer MG website:
  3. GBS/CIDP Foundation International website:
  4. University of Chicago Center for Peripheral Neuropathy Website:  