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Christopher M. Gomez MD PhD
Director of The Ataxia Center
Department of Neurology

Dr. Gomez is an expert in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with ataxias--a family of rare neurodegenerative diseases. Before moving to Chicago he established and directed the University of Minnesota Ataxia Clinic, a nationally recognized specialty clinic for patients with these rare degenerative diseases. He is a founding member of the Cooperative Ataxia Group, a national consortium of ataxia specialists that has just launched the first rating scale and natural history studies for Friedreich's Ataxia. He sees patients with all forms of spinocerebellar ataxias, child and adult onset ataxias, Friedreich’s ataxia, ataxia telangiectasia, ataxia with oculomotor apraxia, olivopontocerebellar ataxia, multiple system atrophy, spastic paraparesis, hereditary Parkinson’s syndromes, and gait and balance disorders. Dr. Gomez helped characterized spinicerebellar ataxia type 6 (SCA6) and discovered SCA26. In the laboratory Dr. Gomez studies the disease process caused by the SCA6 and SCA26 mutations.

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